Add: NO.2, Dagao Hengfeng 2nd Road, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Email:[email protected]
"Micro Cooling Fan" come out at the beginning, the most important feature is the simple hair. And later evolved into the remote control, timing, lift and other additional features, which are mainly concentrated in convenience product applications. Then later because the demand for quiet, companies began to work hard in muted. The "Micro Cooling Fan" industry has begun to improve air quality on an issue, it is something the last two years, after people to improve their living environment needs air that is healthy demand, especially to the SARS outbreak which originated from the beginning of the air quality improvement needs to become stronger than ever before. Research then began to focus on the theme of innovative features, ultraviolet "Micro Cooling Fan" was so conceived and born. Combined with ultraviolet light and a fan, and is the first outcome of the US fans, it has received national patents.