Add: NO.2, Dagao Hengfeng 2nd Road, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Email:[email protected]
"220V Cooling Fan" to meet your demands, now, everyone wants to live a healthy, cool summer, but the air cleaning problem has plagued consumers, and freon emissions is even more serious damage to the natural environment. At this point, some time been forgotten again attract fans of the consumer's attention. It is understood that the current "220V Cooling Fan" adds more negative ions, oxygen bar, ultraviolet disinfection and other health functions, the use of these special techniques to kill airborne bacteria, dust, etc., it also reflects the growing awareness of health issues from one side attention. Since air conditioning is easy to accumulate a variety of unhealthy particles cause various respiratory diseases, it has a bactericidal function "220V Cooling Fan" a good solution to this problem, and its natural wind blowing over the cool air-conditioning manufacturing more healthy.
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